A Meal eaten in the morning is called Breakfast. In this post I shall share with you the importance of breakfast to the human body.
The most important meal of the day is breakfast as it aids metabolism and enables the body to fully carry out its day to day activity. Skipping breakfast can be detrimental and hence, should be avoided.
Even in the hospitals, doctors have prescribed well prepared and nutritious breakfast as a proper diet for weight management and healthy living. In addition, meals taken as breakfast are majorly significant than meals consumed as lunch or supper. Even if you do not feel like eating in the morning, it is always advisable that you do.
There are lots of reasons why breakfast is important but for the sake of this article, I will be discussing just six (6) awesome reasons.
- Appetite Control:
Skipping breakfast leads to the piling up of unhealthy calories in the body. Eating proper meal in the morning (not junk) makes the body stronger throughout the day, therefore, leading to a decrease in your level of appetite for the rest of the day. This makes you to feel less hungry throughout the day.
- Improves Memory:
Highly nutritious breakfast tends to improve the brain concentration levels thereby allowing you to remember things easily. Though there are others factors that contribute to memory boost, morning meals also contribute a great portion. This aspect is highly beneficial to students as it enables easy understanding and allows them to easily remember what they read.
- Improves Metabolism:
Breakfast enables the stability of blood sugar levels thereby allowing you to be energetic till its lunchtime. In a situation whereby you don’t eat in the morning, your metabolic rate is decreased resulting to decrease in amount of calories you burn. Since energy is measured in calories, you are easily encountered by stress throughout the rest of the day if you skip breakfast.
- Prevents Sickness:
Research has shown that a healthy breakfast helps to prevent unnecessary illnesses like type 2 diabetes headaches, ulcer, heart disease and so on. Skipping healthy morning meals makes the body vulnerable to any of these diseases. Avoid skipping breakfast so your body system does not breakdown all of a sudden.
- Mind Stability:
Healthy breakfast keeps you in the right state of mind. All things being equal, you are expected to be in a good and happy mood once you eat the right meal at the right time as breakfast. Since you have taken breakfast, the body feels relaxed and comfortable, ready for its daily activity. It provides a balance in the blood sugar level of the body keeping you up and going.
- Reduces the Risk of Obesity:
Since breakfast improves energy dissipation rate in the body, there are reduced chances in the human body. Obesity is as a result of the storage of excess fat in the body. Since you are active in the performing your daily activities because you have taken a healthy morning meal, your metabolic rate is increased there by leading to an increase in the calories burnt in a day.All these processes boil down to the fact that you will constantly be consuming the excess fats in the body and as a result you definitely will not be obese.
Wrapping Up: 6 Reasons Why Breakfast is Important
From the points listed above, it can be seen that skipping breakfast is unhealthy and hence, should be avoided. For you to remain focused in performing your daily responsibilities, ensure to eat in the morning.I hope that this article has been helpful to you. Let us know what you feel about this topic using the comment section below.
I end this post with a popular quote:
“In the morning, eat like a king; eat lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”